Give You My Heart - praise dance instruction video
This dance was choreographed to be a part of the
worship experience. Ministering this dance while a worship team ministers the
song will allow others to experience the expressed heart of the lyrics. The
moves are relatively simple and adaptable to various abilities and group sizes.
I chose this song because it is sung in worship gatherings around the world;
this means it can be ministered and taught in nations far and wide.
time: 33:42
Choreography and instruction by
Dawn Pruszkowski
video is available for download and streaming only in two resolutions:
smartphone and tablet: 768x432; downloadable size 259MB
computer or TV screen: 1024:576; downloadable size 461MB
you prefer to stream this video, but it starts downloading instead, please copy
the download link and paste it into your internet browser.
List Price: $19.99
Stream or download sale price: $5
one of the pioneers of the contemporary movement of dance and the Christian
faith, I applaud the efforts of those like Dawn whose well crafted and
heart-felt work in dance is rendered as a service and true ministry to the Body
of Christ."
Flinn, Director, Ad Deum Dance Company, www.danceaddeum.com